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Newsletter 13:Yuguang Island Art Festival, talk event at Taipei Artist Village

The Test (考驗)

Steel, photovoltaic panel, LED light tubes, acrylic panels 鐵、光電板、LED燈管、壓克力板

Installation size | 2023

MAR.24 – APR.16, 2023

策展人 Curator|方敘潔 Janet Feng

執行統籌 Execution | 均勻製作 Goldilocks Production

裝置委託 Commission|作日製作 Daylight Effect

Dear friends,

Sharing with you two events in March:

At this year's “Yuguang Island Art Festival – Remapping Island of Earthsea”, I presented an on-site installation The Test. The work was inspired by the British electro duo, The Chemical Brothers' song of the same title and references the iconic collapsing house scene in Buster Keaton's silent film classic, Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928). Using a steel structure, photovoltaic panels, and LED light strips, the film scene is reinterpreted to reflect Taiwan's rapidly developing photovoltaic industry and its associated concerns through the installation's location on Yuguang Island and its historical connections.

Additionally, this Sunday, I will participate in a panel discussion at Taipei Artist Village on the topic of "Club hopping - Speaking of cross-nation collaboration and collective publishing." This discussion serves as a warm-up for the Taiwan-Germany exchange publishing project to be executed later this year.

Best wishes,


展期 | 3/24 (五)~4/16 (日) 10:00-18:00

開幕日 | 3/26 (日) 16:00 漁光島月牙灣沙灘


指導單位 | 臺南市政府、海洋委員會

主辦單位 | 臺南市政府文化局、臺灣港務股份有限公司、財團法人台南市文化基金會

協辦單位 | 行政院農委會林務局嘉義林區管理處、臺南市安平區公所

贊助單位 | 帝寶工業股份有限公司、大北開發建設有限公司、Aloft Tainan Anping 台南安平雅樂軒酒店

全案活動統籌策劃 | 都市藝術工作室 UrbanART Studio





視覺設計|Onion Design





視覺統籌|Path & Landforms

影像製作|調視映画-Film Studio



今年的<漁光島藝術節 – 重繪地海之島>,我呈現新的現地裝置The Test (考驗)。作品受英國音樂家The Chemical Brothers 同名歌曲啟發,通過MV中的房屋倒塌片段回朔至Buster Keaton的默片經典Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928)。以鐵構裝置、光電板以及LED燈條重新詮釋這一影視片段,連結作品設置地點在漁光島上的歷史,隱喻台灣目前急速發展中的光電產業及其隱憂。

本周日另將在台北國際藝術村參與一場座談,主題為“Club Hopping - 談藝術出版的協作與藝術跨國合作”。此座談為將在今年執行的台德交流出版計畫的暖身。



MAR.26, 1430-1700

台北國際藝術村幽竹廳Taipei Artist Village, Bamboo Room (1F)

台北市中正區北平東路7號No.7, Beiping E. Rd, Taipei City

海報設計Design | 李依佩Yipei LEE

主辦單位Organizer | 細着藝術、島座放送SUAVEART, Islandset Publisher

贊助單位Sponsor | 紅樓詩社、國藝會Crimson Hall Poetry Society, National Culture and Arts Foundation



2024 © Wu Chuan Lun Studio

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