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Newsletter 18:Tunghai University, Timespan Heritage & Arts Society

An Eggy Video Meeting_Session 0 一場煩蛋的視訊會議_議程0

Pencil, color pencil, marker pen, gel pen, acrylic ink, paper 鉛筆、色鉛筆、麥克筆、膠墨筆、壓克力墨水、紙 19.75 × 34.95 cm 2022


 23 MAR - 30 SEP 2024

Timespan Heritage & Arts Society




Dear friends,


My first art event in 2024, Time Knot, curated by Hsieh Feng-Rong, was held at the Tunghai University Art Gallery in Taichung, Taiwan. This exhibition is part of a series of exhibitions to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Fine Arts Department of Tunghai University. Using the ancient metaphor of knotting a rope to keep track of events, the works created by the artist are like a frozen time knot, entangling the material changes and historical flows brought about by one's life experience and even by the external world into a mark of aggregation or diffusion. The exhibition presents two different series, No Country for Canine (2019) and Anonymous_Amazon (2022).


In late March, I will travel to the Scottish seaside town of Helmsdale to present An Eggy Video Meeting (2022) from Oology and Others at the Timespan Heritage & Arts Society. The show, We Move As A Murmuration curated by Giulia Gregnanin and Naoko Mabon. This series of drawing on paper fictionalizes an absurd video conference between bird eggs, linking this mode of communication, which was born in the era of globalization and reached its peak due to epidemics, with the scientific observation of human beings on natural organisms. It questions why we can feel justified in peeping into the private homes of non-human creatures (birds)?All the eggs in the drawings have been given related human names, with their literal roots traced back to the birds or assigned to the birds by their discoverers, demonstrating the subtle social relationship between homo and avian.


Best wishes,




Amazon_Anonymous_Nest_2 匿名_亞馬遜_窩_2 Inkjet Print 噴墨相紙 60 × 42.94 cm 2023


01 – 30 MAR 2024Tunghai University Art Gallery 東海大學藝術中心






我2024年的第一場藝術活動,在台中東海大學藝術中心,由謝豐嶸策畫<時結> 。此展覽為東海大學美術系創系40周年系列展覽之一。引用古代結繩記事作為譬喻,藝術家創造的作品有如一個個凝結的時間結點,將個人生命經驗乃至外部世界帶來的物質變化和歷史流轉纏繞成為一個聚集抑或擴散的標記。展覽展出兩個相異的系列,分別來自2019年的「馴國」和2022年的「匿名_亞馬遜」。


三月下旬,我將前往蘇格蘭濱海小鎮漢姆斯戴爾,在時跨文化資產與藝術協會展出來自鳥卵學與其他中的「一場煩蛋的視訊會議」。展覽<We Move As A Murmuration>由Giulia Gregnanin與Naoko Mabon策展。此系列紙上繪畫虛構了一場荒謬的鳥蛋間的視訊會議,將這種在全球分工的網路時代背景下誕生且因為疫情達到高峰的溝通模式與人對於自然生物的科學觀察連結起來。質問為何我們對於窺看非人生物(鳥)的私人居所可以感到理所當然?畫面中所有鳥蛋被取了人類的名字,字義根源可溯源鳥類,或是被發現者賦予到鳥身上,展現出人與鳥類之間微妙的社會性關係。







Grafrath: A Schäferhund Story 格拉芙拉特:牧犬傳 Single channel HD 單頻道高清 8 mins  2018





2025 © Wu Chuan Lun Studio

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