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Newsletter 11:LABVERDE, REITER, Da Xiang

Dear friends,

I have just arrived in Manaus, Brazil, and will be participating in LABVERDE's Amazon Rainforest residency from 1-10 September, and will visit São Paulo, Rio and Belo Horizonte after the program. The LABVERDE residency is sponsored by the Arte Laguna Prize and thanks to the National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan) and the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs to sponsor the flight and travel expenses for the rest of the trip in Brazil.

LABVERDE is a transdisciplinary platform based in the Brazilian Amazon. Its main focus is the development of environment-related artistic languages, working in the production and democratization of knowledge through residencies, lectures, exhibitions, festivals, workshops and publications. The Art Laguna Prize host by Italian MoCA cultural association, it’s an international art competition dedicated to the visual arts. It includes painting, sculpture, photography, video art and performance, virtual and digital art.

In September, I will also present in two group shows. Firstly, Kreatur, curated by REITER Gallery, Berlin, will open during the Berlin Art Week, from SEP.14 to NOV. 5. An Eggy Video Meeting, a series of works on paper that question the social relationship between humans and non-humans, inspired by oology and the post-epidemic era will be on view. From SEP. 24 to NOV. 13, Scenery Making: Between Mindscapes and Landscapes, curated by Su Cheng Pu at the Da Xiang Gallery, Taichung, What I Learn from the Mountain and the Sea, the digital imagery series that were conducted during my residency at Dawn Art Village will be showed. In the works, the 3D scanned landscapes are subsequently arranged playfully in digital realm, responding to the sensual experience of landscape art and the natural environment.

Lastly, I will share with Chinese readers, a light-hearted interview on Opentix of National Theater and National Concert Hall. Featuring Yao Jui-Chung and me on the issue of Collecting.



An Eggy Video Meeting_Session 3

Pencil, color pencil, marker pen, gel pen, acrylic ink, paper


19.7×30.3 cm


SEP.14 – NOV. 5

Opening reception SEP. 14, 6pm

(The project Oology and Others developed during a residency at Delfina Foundation)


我剛抵達巴西馬瑙斯,將於九月1-10參與LABVERDE的亞馬遜雨林進駐,並在計劃結束之後拜訪聖保羅、里約、美景市等地。此次LABVERDE駐村由Arte Laguna Prize贊助,並感謝國藝會以及台北市文化局提供了機票以及後續行程的旅行費用。

LABVERDE綠色實驗室是一個位在亞馬遜雨林地帶,聚集多學科實踐的的藝術計畫。在為期10天的考察、講座和藝術交流的密集旅程中分享知識和實踐,以分析和批判性視角,跨學科的促進景觀的詮釋、源於自然的藝術表現以及參與生態行為中能起到的作用等問題。Art Laguna Prize拉古納藝術獎是義大利MoCA文化協會的重點項目,一個致力於視覺藝術的國際藝術競賽,包含繪畫、雕塑、攝影、視頻藝術和表演、虛擬和數位藝術。

九月期間,我亦會參予兩場畫廊聯展。首先於九月14號至十一月5號的柏林藝術周期間,由柏林REITER畫廊策畫之Kreatur,展出作品為以鳥卵學和後疫情時代啟發,質問人與非人之間社交關係的紙上繪畫系列「An Eggy Video Meeting」。九月24號至十一月13號\,由蘇承璞策展於台中大象畫廊的「造風景: 內在景觀與外部場景的再現」,將展出去年於台東曙光藝術村期間創作的「山海教我的事」。將地景掃描,後續在3D軟體中充滿玩興的編排,回應風景藝術以及自然環境給予的感性經驗。

最後與中文閱讀者分享八月受兩廳院Opentix平台邀請,與姚瑞中老師就“ 收藏”這個題目進行的一場對談



都蘭海灘一 Dulan Beach_1

Inkjet print 噴墨相紙

126.5 × 88.4 cm


Scenery Making: Between Mindscapes and Landscapes

造風景: 內在景觀與外部場景的再現

SEP. 24 – NOV. 11

Opening reception OCT. 1, 3pm



2025 © Wu Chuan Lun Studio

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