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Newsletter 10:OOO_solo exhibition and artist talk at SOMA Berlin

Domestic Dominion Degradation

UV resin, UV lacquer, UV light, carpet 光固化樹酯、UV漆、UV光源、地毯

Installation size 空間尺寸


Dear friends,

My solo exhibition “OOO” is now on view at project space SOMA in Berlin (Eylauerstr. 9, Berlin, DE) which will end next Monday (27.6). The works are now updated on the website.

The OOO (Oology and Others) project is based on oology. The first presentation of the project takes as its starting point 2020-2022, when domestic (human nest) life is the norm. The works in An Eggy Video Meeting, a series of drawings inspired by the video conference, the most common communication method of the past two years, will question whether observing nature can be considered a social awkwardness from a non-human perspective. In the ground-installation Domestic Dominion Degradation, the form of eggs and nests were deconstructed, they are interpreted as a kind of consensus between nature and man-made geometric. The materials themselves–and the reference to a popular dinosaur blockbuster series– allude to the instability of our current age. Last, Uterus Is a Kiln, Egg Is Fired, a texture map created with photogrammetry of one hoopoe figurine made by the V.E.B. Porzellanfiguren Lippelsdorf (Wagner & Apel), remade into a tempera and short animations, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside, bird and egg, natural material and algorithm.

From once-rustic objects to scientific collections, the ambiguity of oology has led to a dispersed discussion of its facets. But beyond all the research practice, beyond the perfect-but-fragile eggs and the ordinary-but-magnificent nests, it is the simple-but-honest motivation of the collector that arouses my interest: a human, primitive desire to collect and possess a beautiful product of nature.

On June 26th at 4pm, I will have an artist talk with Dr. Winnie L.M. Yee, Dr. Yee is the senior lecturer in comparative literature and program coordinator of the MA Program in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. Our talk titled “Narrative of Domestic Nature.” You can follow SOMA on instagram for more information.

(The exhibition is supported by Senate Department for Culture and Europe and Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture.)

An Eggy Video Meeting

Pencil, color pencil, marker pen, gel pen, acrylic ink, paper


19.75×34.95 cm, 20.6×33.2 cm, 18.2×33 cm, 19.7×30.3 cm




此展覽源自鳥卵學。本階段,以2020-2022的當下時空,家居(人的巢)為起點。以疫後成為常態的視訊會議為靈感的一系列紙本素描An Eggy Video Meeting,挪用視訊這過去兩年間最常見的交流介面,以非人觀點去思考觀察自然對於非人生物來說何嘗不是一種社交尷尬?Domestic Dominion Degradation解構蛋與巢的造型,將其視為一種自然與人為造型的共識,以材料本身特質以及額外置入流行電影的符號去隱射當下世界的不穩定。最後Uterus Is a Kiln, Egg Is Fired從一尊東德Lippelsdorf生產之戴勝鳥的陶瓷收藏品出發,以蛋彩畫與動畫為媒介,呈現內與外,蛋與陶瓷,數位與繪畫的對比。


於6.26的下午四點,我會與香港大學比較文學系高級講師余麗文博士進行一場藝術家座談,題目為<Narrative of Domestic Nature>。可以透過追蹤SOMA的instagram帳號來取得更多訊息。




Uterus Is a Kiln, Egg Is Fired

Egg tempera, two channel HD video 蛋彩、雙頻道高清錄像

Installation Size 空間尺寸





2024 © Wu Chuan Lun Studio

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