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Newsletter 02:「An Oprea For Animals」in Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai_出版與近期展覽

『PHOTO-LOGUES Ⅱ』 Published in Taiwan 『攝影訪談輯 2』在台出版

Edited by: Yao Jui-Chung 姚瑞中 & Shauba Chang 章芷珩

Interview by: Lin Yi-Hsiu 林怡秀

Published by: Garden City 田園城市

Edited by Yao Jui-Chung and Shauba Chang, the newly launched second issue of 『PHOTO-LOGUES』 is composed of interviews with 108 Taiwanese artists based on images, including an interview with me by Lin Yi-Hsiu featuring several series developed between 2011 and 2016, such as “Museum of Taxidermy”, “Debris”, “Coast Mining”, “JTC”, etc.

由姚瑞中與章芷珩主編,邀請108位台灣的影像創作者參與訪談的『攝影訪談輯』系列第二輯業已出版。其中收入個人受林怡秀訪談之篇章,重點談及了 “標本博物館”、“Debris”、“沿岸採礦”、“街替器”等……於2011至2016年間發展的的系列作品。

Upcoming Exhibitions 近期展覽

Feb 20 – Mar 31 二月二十號至三月三十一號

Opening Reception 開幕: Feb 22, 10:00am 二月二十二號,上午十點

No.1188, Zhongzheng Rd., Taoyuan City 桃園市桃園區中正路 1188 號 map

「Cosmicomics」 curated by Yu Huan-Ting and organized by the Art Bank of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts will be held in Taoyuan Arts Center from February 20 to March 31, featuring three pieces from “Debris - Tools” series acquired by the Art Bank.

國美館藝術銀行將於桃園展演中心舉辦「宇宙連環圖」展覽,由余歡庭策展。展出日期為二月二十號至三月三十一號。展出三件由藝術銀行收藏的“Debris - Tools”。

Ongoing Exhibitions 目前展覽

No.8, Jinguang Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 新北市瑞芳區金瓜石金光路8號 map

Until: March 3 即日起止三月三號

Curated by Patricia Huang and Kao Tzu-Chin, 「The Fourth Age of Man - Contemporary Art in Jinguashi」 held in Gold Museum, New Taipei City will last until March 3, featuring the project “Coast Mining”.


No.156, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Taipei 台北市大安區信義路四段156號 map

Until: March 9 即日起至三月九號

Photo credit: Each Modern

「Li Yuan-chia and Homages To」 held in Each Modern gallery, Taipei will last until March 9, featuring two pieces from “Debris – Series 5”.

於亞紀畫廊展出的「李元佳與年輕藝術家 Li Yuan-chia and Homages To」將持續展出到三月九號。展出兩件“Debris – Series 5”。

Best wishes,







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