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Newsletter 15:Les Rencontres d'Arles, Ciayi Art Museum


ChromaLuxe prints on aluminum plate, ceramics, plants, shelves, Stereolithography resin, plaster, UV prints, Copypaper

熱昇華轉印於鋁板、陶瓷、植物、層架、光固化樹脂、石膏、UV印刷、影印紙 Installation size

空間尺寸 2023

Dear friends,

At this year's Les Rencontres d'Arles, my project JTC participated in "Grow Up" organized by the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation. The exhibition curated by Florent Basiletti and Meg Chang, sponsored by the Centre Culturel de Taïwan à Paris and the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan. ChromaLuxe and Pacific Colour provided 50 pieces of sublimation prints. Two newly modeled plant pots produced by Memento Temporï with Poterie Le Chêne Vert in Anduze and Attraction Terrestre studios in Arles. The project JTC inspired by Taiwan's street scene, to create a semi-open-air installation that combines photography, ceramics, and plants. With a touch of humor, the artwork aims to capture the trivial moments in the daily lives of ordinary people within the critical context of environmental issues. It optimistically explores how urban residents express their appreciation for nature through the repurposing of discarded plastic containers, manifested in the form of household plant pots.

At the Chiayi Art Museum, I participated in the exhibition "Here is Where We Meet" Organized by the TianMai Art Foundation and curated by Erica Yu-Wen Huang to celebrate its tenth anniversary. The showcase included Formation Deformation Dogformation as well as two video works Grafrath: A Schäferhund Story and A Craftwork Canine, All from the project No Country for Canine.


Best wishes, Lun

C1-020 (Plastic crate, Taro, Tile)

C1-020 (塑膠箱、芋頭、磁磚) ChromaLuxe print on aluminum plate

熱昇華轉印於鋁板 42×28 cm 2012


今年亞爾攝影節中,我以作品JTC參與Manuel Rivera-Ortiz基金會展覽<Grow Up>, 由Florent Basiletti 和張弘瑜(Meg Chang)策展,巴黎台灣文化中心與文化部贊助; ChromaLuxe與Pacific Colour提供50張熱昇華轉印照片; Memento Temporï 與Poterie Le Chêne Vert,以及Attraction Terrestre工作室分別以傳統工法為此計畫生產新花盆。 JTC以觀察台灣的街頭盆栽出發,完成結合攝影、陶瓷以及植物的半戶外裝置。 以略帶點幽默的語境,企圖在敘事弘大的環境議題之中發覺一個貼近庶民日常的微小片刻, 不失樂觀的看待都市居民如何在重新利用廢置塑膠容器的過程中以家常盆栽體現對自然物的頌揚。

嘉義美術館,我以馴國參展天美基金會十周年特展<我們在此相遇>。 展覽由黃又文策展,濃縮馴國的精華,展出"編隊 型變 犬變"系列, 以及兩部錄像作品"格拉芙拉特:牧犬傳"和"狗匠"。

祝安 權倫

Here is Where We Meet


嘉義市立美術館 1-3樓、古蹟棟3樓視聽室及圖書室

6/29 (四)-10/15/2023 (日)

開幕Opening|7/9/2023 (日) 14:00








2024 © Wu Chuan Lun Studio

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