Newsletter 14:Residency MRO Foundation, interview with Art of Change 21, catalogue of Labverde 2022

B-019 (Bucket, Indian Shot, Corrugated Sheet) B-019 (水桶, 美人蕉, 鐵皮波浪板) ChromaLuxe print on aluminum plate 熱昇華轉印於鋁板 36×24 cm 2012
Dear friends,
I am currently in residency at the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, preparing for the Arles Photo Festival 2023, which will begin on July 3rd. The MRO Foundation is presenting "Grow Up" as part of the festival. The exhibition uses the metaphor of the global movement of plants to highlight the relationship between plants and humans, as well as to explore local and international relationships within regions. This residency is supported by the Centre Culturel de Taïwan à Paris and aims to expand on the project JTC (2012-2015), an image installation developed from street plant pot scenes in Taiwan.
Secondly, I would like to share an interview (FR, EN) conducted in March with the French organization Art of Change 21. Since its establishment in 2014, just prior to COP21 in Paris, Art of Change 21 has been dedicated to connecting contemporary art with major environmental issues, emphasizing the role of artists and creativity in the ecological transition. In this interview, I shared my practice related to nature/culture with founder Alice Audouin.
Lastly, the catalog of the Brazilian residency project Labverde, in which I participated last year, has been published.
It features the work of participating artists from the 2022 edition and insightful articles by Emanuele Coccia and Camilla Palestra.
You can download the digital version from here.
Best wishes, Lun

Ant Nest (Amazon Album Leaf) 蟻窩 (亞馬遜冊頁) Digital print 數位印刷 Size variable 尺寸可變 2022
目前我正在南法亞爾的Manuel Rivera-Ortiz基金會為七月三號開始的亞爾攝影節做準備。
MRO基金會參與亞爾攝影節平行單元<Grow Up>,以植物在全球範圍內的遷移為隱喻,突出植物與人類之間的共存,同時探索地區的本地以及國際關係。
今年稍早與法國Art of Change 21進行訪談。 Art of Change 21自2014年在巴黎COP21氣候大會前夕成立以來,不斷致力於連結當代藝術與重大環境議題,凸顯藝術家和創造力在生態轉型中的角色。 在訪談中我與創辦人Alice Audouin討論了我創作脈絡中的自然/文明關係。
收錄了2022年參與藝術家的作品,以及兩篇分別由自然哲學家Emanuele Coccia 和倫敦藝術大學助理策展人Camilla Palestra所撰寫的文章。
祝安 權倫

JTC UV print on metal, ceramics, shelf, plants UV印刷於金屬, 陶瓷, 層架, 植物 Installation size 裝置尺寸 @Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan 寶藏巖藝術村 2018